Why should solar power system be installed at the optimum inclination? 2019-06-20
Everyone knows that when installing a solar power system, the installer will adjust the direction and install at the best inclination. So do you know why to do this? Now let's go with Xiaobian.

1. What is the best inclination?

In a narrow sense, if the annual total radiation received by the fixed photovoltaic array on the inclined plane at the lower inclination angle is the largest, then the inclination angle is called the optimal inclination angle. The optimal inclination angle can also be the inclination angle corresponding to the highest annual generation capacity, the highest yield, the inclination angle corresponding to the highest generation capacity in a few months and the optimal inclination angle calculated under various other restrictive conditions.

Why should photovoltaic power plants be installed at the optimum inclination?

2. Why do we need the best inclination?

In order to receive more solar radiation, it is necessary to obtain an optimum inclination angle from the annual radiation receipt, which is the optimum inclination angle.

3. How to calculate the optimum inclination angle?

According to the radiation data, longitude and latitude, the annual total radiation receipts of photovoltaic square arrays with different inclination angles are calculated and accumulated, and the maximum inclination angle of annual total radiation is selected as the optimum inclination angle.

4. What are the main factors affecting the optimum inclination angle?

The main influencing factors of the optimum inclination angle include: (1) latitude and latitude will affect the variation characteristics of the solar altitude angle, thus affecting the optimum inclination angle; (2) monthly radiation distribution, if more radiation is concentrated in the month with high solar altitude angle in a year, the optimum inclination angle will increase, and vice versa; and (3) direct radiation has directivity, while scattering radiation will decrease. Radiation isotropy, so their respective proportion in total radiation also has a certain impact on the optimal dip angle.

5. Does the photovoltaic power station generate the highest power at the optimum tilt angle?

For the narrow optimal dip angle, according to the order of "Design Code for Photovoltaic Power Plants", the best dip angle is determined first (without considering the mutual occlusion between the arrays at this time), and then the North-South distance of the photovoltaic array is determined according to the dip angle. When the distance is determined, there will be shadow occlusion between the front and back photovoltaic arrays. At this time, the radiation of the inclined plane and the power generation of the power station will be affected by the distance. Because of the dynamic determination of dip angle and dip angle, there will be a little difference between the dip angle of maximum power generation and the optimal dip angle, but unless there are other restrictions, the difference between them will not be too large.

6. Is the profit of photovoltaic power plant the highest under the optimal inclination?

For the narrow sense of the best inclination is not, sometimes less than the best inclination of a certain angle has higher returns. Optimal inclination means high radiation reception, but it also means large area. For example, in a limited field area, with the decrease of the optimal inclination angle, the installed capacity will continue to improve. Lower tilt angle will reduce power generation, while higher installed capacity will increase power generation. Therefore, it is necessary to make further technical and economic comparisons with external conditions to determine the ultimate income at which tilt angle.

7. Is the best inclination absolute?

No, because of climate uncertainty, the optimal dip can only be called the relative optimal dip based on historical data. Firstly, different historical radiation data will lead to different optimal dip angles. There are some differences between the best dip angles calculated by historical 10-year data and by historical 20-year data. Secondly, historical average data represent a greater possibility of local radiation characteristics, but for a certain year, it is not necessarily the best choice.

Believe that you have seen the above content to understand why the installation of photovoltaic power plants in accordance with the best inclination installation reasons, if you have other questions, please call for advice.
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